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JaCaNaS Studios

JaCaNaS Studios is a team of four students who worked on I Will Prevailas their capstone project for the final trimester at SAE Qantm College, Brisbane, in the soaked with rain one day, scorching drought the next day beautiful state of Queensland in that wonderful true blue dinky di country lovingly at times referred to as Oz (No we're not Kansas anymore peeps).


Demographics being what they are and the nature of humanity to flock together with ones of the same feather: we, three developers (cos you can never have enough developers) and one audio (everyone needs sound) were left behind with no team. Through the smooth talking and enthusiasm for the idea from the vision holder and enthusiastic encouragement from the audio guy, thankfully this merry band came to be to bring this game to life.


Having no full-time coder (the practice of the digital dark arts), animator (bringer of life to inanimate objects) or graphic designer (Maker of stuff looking good) onboard meant that our studio was starting off behind the proverbial eight ball.

Through initial re-scoping and more res-scoping (Awwwww, so there are no giant robots holding giant laser beams? Unfortunately, no.) we set forth to bring this games to life.


Our limited skillsets meant that the title of our game very quickly became our team motto and catch cry. Although we have our own unique skills and talents we were forced out of our comfort zones and had to embark on an epic steep learning curve. We did, of course, seek assistance when required and thankfully and which much gratitude we also acknowledge our tutor and as well as our part-time practitioner and master of the digital dark arts code master.

I Will Prevail is not only a game we created but also the story and progression of our frantically researched and applied new skills and knowledge. Hope you enjoy the game as much as we have enjoyed making the game, no. Let me rephrase that, Hope you enjoy the game as much as we enjoyed working together to make it happen.

People behind JaCaNaS Studios

Cameron "Hangry" Clayton

Role(s): Vision Holder, Animator, Team Leader and General manager.



Some say that he got into game development because he got into the wrong line on the open day. Originally wanting to be an animator but was convinced that game development would be more fun  Cameron ironically ended up being the 2D animator for I Will Prevail. The progression of his skills has been a laborious process as he readily admits he is no fine artist with his C.A.C (Camo's Animation Creations) but strangely enough does enjoy the process of colouring in things and bringing them to life.


Being by far the oldest of the team his management experience helped motivate and keep the team on track to complete the project. His determination and seemingly serious older demeanour led him to be seemingly 'hangry' at times especially first thing in the morning. This age difference also led to much confusion at times when it came to understanding things of the younglings surrounding him which was manifested through his desire to dab at any opportunity and mumble constantly 'Whats a Pikachu?'

Favourite quote: "Re-scope, it's a game about giant robots and lasers."  DAB

Also likes Cawffee, coffee, coffee, Battlefield One, his two daughters and scaring the team through the liberal use of dabbing and interpretive dance.


Cameron's other projects and can be contacted @:


Jarrod "Meme Master" Whittaker

Role(s): Programmer, SourceTree Extraordinaire / Tech Support


When Jarrod is not running like the wind and taking out competitions on the track and field or defeating the online pretender contenders with his mighty Smite team, he masquerades as a programmer. Being thrust into a role because nobody else wanted it, Jarrod was literally thrown into the lion's den. Finding him suddenly promoted to Technical Officer First Class Jarrod reacted brilliantly and embraced the role resulting in a game that he can and should be proud of. By applying the same techniques and dedication as he does to his running Jarrod found himself conquering a mountain he never really wanted to.


Jarrod's youthful nature and zest for life added the revitalised blood into the project, his constant use of memes at the most appropriate or inappropriate moments helped defuse as well as confuse many a situation. Jumping into his unwanted role with full dedication meant that even though he got that twitch in his eye whenever he heard the word 're-scope' he never cracked under the pressure but definitely stepped up big time at the right times.


Favourite quote: "You're tearing me apart!"

Also likes  Dragon Ball, his phone and communicating through memes where practical and possible. Can run like the wind and is a rising star in the track and field world but is also a skilled sponsored professional E-sport competitor who trains and competes in Smite tournaments regularly.


Jarrod's other projects and can be contacted @:



Narisa "Literature Queen" MacLeod

 Role(s): Writer and Fungus Integration, Project Manager, Web Page Designer


Narisa is the foreign component of our merry little band. Continuing her studies here in Brisbane after transferring from the tropical exquisite country of Thailand. A seemingly quiet and shy member of the team gifted with a sharp and wicked wit who when goaded into vocalising her thoughts can be quite deep and insightful. Her writing skills are way beyond her years and her use of sarcasm and subtle humour leads many to believe an older more cynical person wrote it, cos one could not be so jaded or laid back with humanity at so young and age.


Narisa's quiet but speaking when it was essential demeanour provided a stable grounded view of many things. Her quiet and unobtrusive management style steered the ship steadily through all the hazards to its goal. Narisa knew when to make her voice be heard to make sure we stayed on track When called upon Narisa stepped up nicely and took control of other aspects and duties of the game when required.


Favourite quote: "I really need to get some sleep."


Also likes  PC Games, Sleep, flying home, Reviewing Games, Game Journalism and has mastered the art of fine wit and sarcasm with impeccable delivery and timing.



Narisa's other projects and can be contacted @:

Sam "Metal Militia" Ludinski

 Role(s): Audio, Design Advisor, Social Media Manager


Sam had the fortune and misfortune of being in a team filled with designers (like I said, you can never have enough) but managed to not only adapt and survive but thrive. His experience in game design often meant that he was able to break the deadlock with some design decisions as his input was always insightful and unique. 


Sam often bamboozled us with his technical knowledge and how he used what seemed magic to us, to twist sounds and effects to make them sound other-worldly and quite cool. A quiet powerhouse who worked consistently to produce his wonderful and intrinsic sounds. An audio man by heart but also an interesting if not dark at times designer, must be something to do with all that metal he calls music that he listens to whenever he can.


Favourite quote: "Pineapple on pizza is amazing."


Also likes  PC Games, Metal, retreating to the dark rooms of the studios and tinkering to produce an orchestra of delightful sounds and melodies to the ear.  


Sam's other projects and can be contacted @:

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